
Short Intro to Testing - What, How, Why


What is Testing?

Testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a piece of software or application works as intended. It helps identify bugs, ensure quality, and improve performance.

Why is Testing Important?

Testing is crucial because it:
  • Ensures the software meets requirements
  • Identifies and fixes bugs
  • Improves user experience
  • Enhances security

How to Test?

One common approach is the Arrange, Act, Assert (AAA) pattern:
  1. Arrange: Set up the conditions for your test. This includes initializing objects, setting up data, and preparing the environment.
  1. Act: Execute the code or function you want to test.
  1. Assert: Verify that the outcome matches your expectations.

Example in JavaScript

Hereโ€™s a simple example using JavaScript:
function add(a, b) { return a + b; } // Test // Arrange const num1 = 2; const num2 = 3; const expected = 5; // Act const result = add(num1, num2); // Assert console.assert(result === expected, `Expected ${expected}, but got ${result}`);
In this example:
  • Arrange: We set up two numbers and the expected result.
  • Act: We call the add function with the arranged numbers.
  • Assert: We check that the function's result matches the expected value.
By following these basics, beginners can start writing effective tests to ensure their JavaScript code is reliable and bug-free.